Friday, July 17, 2009

Continuing from the previous post, the momma Moose and her two calves were kind enough to be completely unconcerned with the hysterical dog barking and posed for several close-ups, in between nursing! 

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morning visitors!

Here is a momma moose and two calves saying hi over the fence this morning and driving the dogs crazy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

This is so amusing to me.  After returning from a fabulous week long vacation to visit family in San Francisco and Los Angeles, I picked up this local Anchorage newspaper.  Front page story! Record temp! 80 degrees!  In LA, every day was at LEAST 90-95 degrees!

Also, note the crew filming Sarah Palin in her waders on her fishing grounds...too bad I missed out on Palin mania last week but I have a feeling that it will continue for a while!
