Monday, March 08, 2010

Here's one for my brother-in-law Scotty, it's rookie Wattie McDonald from Scotland, who was dressed in a kilt, as were his handlers! I asked for a pic and he kneeled by the dog so I didn't get a good one of the kilt, so I borrowed the bottom two pics from the ceremonial start in downtown Anchorage from the Anchorage Daily News website. SO cute, the dogs are in tartan, too! Here's more info about Wattie (who I'd never heard of!)
Also, that hat in the top pic looked SO warm and cozy!


Anonymous Mom said...

The hat is surely cozy, but don't his knees get cold / frostbitten?

8:30 PM

Blogger laura said...

I don't think he'll do it for the race!

8:33 PM

Blogger julie g. said...

Scottie says: Wattie is a hottie.

10:16 PM


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