Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Eagle Trail fire was started by lightning and is one of the highest priority fires in the country, having burned over 18,000 acres with a lot of "urban interface" in its path (homes, cabins, etc). At one point it was burning 10 miles from Tok. There are fire crews here from all over the country. Here's a fire crew gridding in burned forest just outside of Tok. They make sure there are no areas that are still hot or smoldering, because with the hot weather, a fire can start up again after being extinguished. I didn't notice until after I took the top pic that the guy had a butterfly on his shoulder, so I then had to get a close-up! There was one girl on the crew who wielded her axe when the guys goaded her into it. She had lovely blue nail polish! In the bottom pic, you can see that in this area, the fire didn't jump the road, but it did in a lot of other areas.


Anonymous Lisabeth said...

Great shots of the hot shots Laura! esp love the butterfly on the shoulder.

10:23 PM


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