Saturday, May 01, 2010

I got a gig producing for ABC World News a piece about the current oil spill from the perspective of Valdez locals...the fishermen and others who are still affected 20 years later.

I did a Wildlife Tech job out in Prince William Sound for US Fish and Wildlife Service a few years back, where we captured and did liver biopsies on Black Oystercatchers from oiled and unoiled islands of PWS (and then sewed them up and let them go!) The livers of the birds in oiled areas still contained oil residue due to their diet of mollusks and other invertebrates that inhabit an area below the surface oil clean up. As birds are an indicator species for the health of the entire sound, after twenty years, the area and its creatures are still impacted, along with a herring industry that has never recovered, etc...

This is a quick gig, leaving now for Valdez with a cameraman and returning by Monday morning, more later!


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